The Spit, Gold Coast

The concept reference design was prepared by 8LA for the Gold Coast Waterways Authority. The project was one of the first stages of The Spit Masterplan (May 2019) to be undertaken and is located in a particularly scenic, high profile and well-used area with exposure to challenging coastal conditions. The following objectives guided the concept design and inform the detailed design:
– Provide equitable 4m path access and improve the quality of the landscape experience and aesthetic for the length of the journey in both directions.
– Provide shade and seating areas as an alternative to the beach
celebrate the end of Federation Walk where it meets the Seaway by providing an opportunity for public art, historical references, interpretive wayfinding and information signage.
– Improve accessibility and safety along the Seaway wall and provide rest opportunities and an improved destination experience at the end of the wall.
– Provide unobstructed vehicle access to the end of the Seaway wall.
– Consider the durability of hard and soft landscape treatments to minimise maintenance and replacement.
– Use mounding to provide more opportunity for deep planting over the Seaway wall subgrade.
– Consider access to the beach and methods to mitigate issues of wind and wave-blown sand.
– Appropriately respond to the harsh exposed setting and safety issues for users.