Springfield, Brisbane

Kalina is a Stockland residential community located in the north-east of the Springfield development area, along the tributaries of Opossum Creek. The subdivision design incorporates key basic principles including:
– Retention of vegetation along the edges of the development to form a natural outlook for the estate esplanade roads.
– Retention of the vegetation in the core central open space ‘Panorama Park’.
– Development of Panorama Park in conjunction with a sales facility and café.
– Establishing a palette of native plant species in streetscapes and medians to extend the bushland context into the estate.
Panorama Park retained its existing topography and used level change to the adjoining streetscape to its advantage by creating climbable play spaces. The park also features a dry creek bed, a meandering path network and extensive understorey planting to complement the existing trees. The park is co-located with a central sales facility including a café and terrace overlooking the open space and future community building.