Chevron Island, Gold Coast

Chevron Mixed Use Development was a residential high-rise with ground floor retail proposed at Chevron Island, Surfers Paradise. The landscape concept design was provided for the streetscape, ground floor and podium as part of the development application.
Streetscape and ground floor design considered connections to the Thomas Drive retail precinct, road changes to facilitate active travel, and pedestrian bridge connection to the Gold Coast Cultural Centre at Evandale.
A series of articulated seating alcoves, walls, terraces and planting was proposed at the interface of streetscape and retail building undercroft, providing dynamic dining breakout space while addressing level changes.
To further activate the precinct and encourage active travel, on-street parking and build-outs with shade trees and understorey were designed in conjunction with bike lanes.
The design of the level 3 podium landscape included private balconies and courtyards, seating nooks with shade structures, and a large pool area with lounge and outdoor kitchen facilities.