Austinville, Gold Coast

Date Completed:

A concept design for a day-use area along Austinville Creek that caters for nature-based recreation.

Key Issues / Drivers / Challenges:
Safe car parking area; access over waterway; programmable and adaptable spaces, facilities and shelters, unique bushland setting; hiking trails.

City of Gold Coast engaged 8LA Landscape Architecture to develop concept designs for a day use area within the City managed natural area located at 621 Austinville Road, Austinville. The site was identified in the Nature Based Recreation Plan 2015-2025 as a potential site for a day use area, and endorsed by Council. Currently there are no other recreational facilities in the area for visitors, and the area has increased in popularity with day visitors over recent years, particularly with visitors travelling to the nearby Austinville Waterhole.

A long term consideration is to establish a shared zone from the day use area to the waterhole, which would create a unique recreational opportunity. Increased visitation has caused some issues with parking and antisocial behaviour, however a range of initiatives has sought to manage visitation, including:
– Formalised steps to the waterhole to encourage a single access point and therefore reduce impact to sensitive vegetation.
– Increased regulatory signage.
– Formalised parking areas near the waterhole and installation of signage to indicate a formal parking area.
– Installation of wooden bollards and guide posts at various locations along Austinville Road to restrict or redirect parking.
– Regular City Ranger patrols to liaise with waterhole users to encourage positive behaviour and promote the unique natural values of the area.

The design process included review of similar day use facilities and lessons learnt, site analysis and co-ordinating placement of various embellishments and facilities suitable for day use activities in a natural setting.